John Lennon Task
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Welcome To The Lennon Task Page
On this site you can find, photo's, links, information, contact names and address, and vital stuff for the good of mankind! i.e. World Peace, also volumes of people that are beautifully touched by john in unique ways.
You can also click on the links below to leave messages on the web boards.

John Lennon
The Beatles
Chit-Chat and News

Got a poem or some artwork of The Beatles or John Lennon?
If so email me your work with your name and alittle note about the piece.
Then i shall put them on the Custom Pages, which is now for vistors art work and poems and general feelings for John and The Beatles.
John Lennon
John Lennon, One of the greatest performers and men that ever lived, Join with us to celebrate his life, his love and his music.

The Best Beatles Song

What is the best Beatles Song?


John Lennon Day Petition
The John Lennon
Day Petition
is something that all
mankind should sign,
not only is it for the
good of john, but for
the good of us all.
The petition needs millions
of signatures so that every
october 9th (John's Birthday)
will be john lennon day,
a day for peace and love.

Sign Petition

If You would like to get in contact with me,
please mail to

Lennon Task Volumes

Check out the amazing Lennontask